27/10/18 Farewell to Mr Red, now known as Rocky – Riginal Let There Be Rock
23/10/18 Pups are now 9 wks and most have gone to their new homes,ย see 8 wk photos here!!

Mr Orange, now known as Percy – Riginal Jailbreak

Mr Yellow, now known as Turbo – Riginal TNT

Mr Grey, now known as Zed – Riginal Money Talks

Mr Green, now known as Gingko – Riginal Are You Ready

Mr Blue, now known as Bentley – Riginal Stiff Upper Lip
09/10/18 Pups are now 7 wks, finally found time to post the 6wk photos!!
Some of the stack shots aren’t good, taken on the wrong angle! Hoping for better at 8 wks!
25/09/18 New puppy pics at 5 wks here๐
Exciting news with Seger‘s first litter born 10/09/18, more details here ๐
Our beautiful Flare whelped 8 lovely babies 20/08/18, go to our new litters pageย for more details!
Over the moon with our gorgeous girl Flare!
BEST IN SHOW, Best Head Bitch and Best Gaited Bitch at the
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Qld Specialty Show 9th June 2018!!
Judge Mr Eddie Patterson Rocksham Rhodesian Ridgebacks (Ireland)